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What can YOU do to help our renter and sellers. Do you have a freebee or discount you can offer our renters and vendors alike that may help?
Can you offer some content that may help our visitors. Do you have an an article or blog about your property services, products and businesses, are you a local business related to property in some way.
Share your article or advertorial here for free.
None property / sales / letting and rentals related articles will not be permitted on this blog.
How Do You Write an Advertorial?
There are a few key things that you have to keep in mind if you want to write an effective editorial. Following these steps can set you apart from others:
Can be more engaging and free or less expensive than traditional advertisements
Engaged readers can learn about advantages of certain products
Can penetrate ad blockers and other software
Email your article and at least one photo to info@kyyylooomees.com and a team member will review and post if it helps buyers and renters.
Any articles added must be shared with all your own customers by yourselves as standard. This is to help all businesses grow equally who have shared articles.
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